
The history of Zwanenberg Food Group

Zwanenberg’s timeline

This historical timeline is an overview of only the most important events during our almost 100 year old company. A lot more has happend in the meantime, of course. For a detailed overview please have a look at our full timeline of our companies history. In this timeline you can all the details about our foundation, our motivations, our growth over the years and even our plans for the future.

Th. S. van der Laan



In 1929, Theodorus Sebastianus van der Laan, the founder of the concern, opened a meat factory in The Hague.


1960s and 1970s

After World War II, the former Th. S. van der Laan meat factory began exporting preserved meats. Originally, there was a strong focus on the United States and England, with products such as ham and luncheon meat. In the 1960s and 1970s, thanks to the efforts of then director/owner A.M. (Aat) van der Laan, export was expanded to dozens of countries worldwide.


1980s and 1990s

In the 1980s and 1990s, the company also purchased slaughterhouses, to guarantee the supply of its most important ingredient: meat. These slaughterhouses, including in Doetinchem and Lievelde, were sold to what was then Dumeco in 2001 because the concern wanted to expand its core activities (meat, preserves and specialities) further.



In 1996, the company acquired the brand names Zwanenberg and Zwan. This gave the concern’s export another important boost, especially in the Middle East and Africa. In that year, the Zwanenberg Food Group also acquired the licence for producing pâté and meat products under the Linera brand name.



Dried sausage specialist Huls was taken over in 1998.



This was followed by Hooymans (tongue and liver specialities, 1999), Offerman (1999), Kraak (sliced meat), Boekos (snacks, later named Taste Original Food Concepts, 2001), CMP (cooked meats and meal components, 2003).



Followed by ANUR Halalfood (2005), De Eendracht (tongue products, 2008) and Wahid Halal Meat (2011). In 2005, the Zwanenberg management decided that local production in the US was a better idea than export for a number of reasons (including a opportunity-rich market, import restrictions and the low dollar). A meat tinning plant was built in record time in Cincinnati.

In 2007, the American food preservation activities of Tyson were taken over, and in 2011 from Vietti Foods in Nashville, Tennessee.

In another part of the world, Australia, Zwanenberg acquired the Plumrose brand Simplot in 2008.



In 2013, Malton Foods in the northern UK was acquired, followed by Simpsons Ready Meals in 2016.



In late 2017, the Fresh Foods Business Unit was sold to Ter Beke.



In February 2018, Zwanenberg took over the Unilever factory in Oss. Here we produce such products as smoked sausages, frankfurters, liver pate, soups and sauces for well-known Dutch brand names.



In 2019, Zwanenberg sold Anur Halalfood and purchased the Chicken Tonight brand from Unilever. Zwanenberg had already been carrying out production of Chicken Tonight sauces in connection with the purchase of the Oss factory in 2018.



On 16 March 2020, Zwanenberg Food Group and Struik Foods Europe joined forces, establishing a powerful combination in soup, sauces, preserves and meals. Struik’s production facility in Voorthuizen now operates under the Zwanenberg name.

Zwanenberg Food Group



Today, Zwanenberg has grown to a successful international enterprise with an annual turnover of €540 million and sales offices in the Benelux, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.



In 1929, Theodorus Sebastianus van der Laan, the founder of the concern, opened a meat factory in The Hague.

1960s and 1970s

After World War II, the former Th. S. van der Laan meat factory began exporting preserved meats. Originally, there was a strong focus on the United States and England, with products such as ham and luncheon meat. In the 1960s and 1970s, thanks to the efforts of then director/owner A.M. (Aat) van der Laan, export was expanded to dozens of countries worldwide.

1980s and 1990s

In the 1980s and 1990s, the company also purchased slaughterhouses, to guarantee the supply of its most important ingredient: meat. These slaughterhouses, including in Doetinchem and Lievelde, were sold to what was then Dumeco in 2001 because the concern wanted to expand its core activities (meat, preserves and specialities) further.


In 1996, the company acquired the brand names Zwanenberg and Zwan. This gave the concern’s export another important boost, especially in the Middle East and Africa. In that year, the Zwanenberg Food Group also acquired the licence for producing pâté and meat products under the Linera brand name.


Dried sausage specialist Huls was taken over in 1998.


This was followed by Hooymans (tongue and liver specialities, 1999), Offerman (1999), Kraak (sliced meat), Boekos (snacks, later named Taste Original Food Concepts, 2001), CMP (cooked meats and meal components, 2003).


Followed by ANUR Halalfood (2005), De Eendracht (tongue products, 2008) and Wahid Halal Meat (2011). In 2005, the Zwanenberg management decided that local production in the US was a better idea than export for a number of reasons (including a opportunity-rich market, import restrictions and the low dollar). A meat tinning plant was built in record time in Cincinnati.

In 2007, the American food preservation activities of Tyson were taken over, and in 2011 from Vietti Foods in Nashville, Tennessee.

In another part of the world, Australia, Zwanenberg acquired the Plumrose brand Simplot in 2008.



In 2013, Malton Foods in the northern UK was acquired, followed by Simpsons Ready Meals in 2016.


In late 2017, the Fresh Foods Business Unit was sold to Ter Beke.


In February 2018, Zwanenberg took over the Unilever factory in Oss. Here we produce such products as smoked sausages, frankfurters, liver pate, soups and sauces for well-known Dutch brand names.


In 2019, Zwanenberg sold Anur Halalfood and purchased the Chicken Tonight brand from Unilever. Zwanenberg had already been carrying out production of Chicken Tonight sauces in connection with the purchase of the Oss factory in 2018.


On 16 March 2020, Zwanenberg Food Group and Struik Foods Europe joined forces, establishing a powerful combination in soup, sauces, preserves and meals. Struik’s production facility in Voorthuizen now operates under the Zwanenberg name.



Today, Zwanenberg has grown to a successful international enterprise with an annual turnover of €540 million and sales offices in the Benelux, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Our brands